5 Buckets or 5 Handbags???
Saturday morning and I’m sat with my coffee just out of the shower running late as usual ironically for a sound bath with spiritual flamingo to relax and I’m reading through my emails and one from Charlie the weekly biz organiser asking if I’m still okay to do my 10 minute talk to the group on Tuesday!
I had seen it in my diary, but thought if I don’t say anything, bury my head in the sand, Charlie might forget! No such luck! I responded by saying ‘ no ask someone else if they want it’ Then 20 minutes later, I’m getting into the car and looking for something to listen to for my our journey down to Newcastle when diary of a CEO by Steven Bartlett jumps out at me on my audiobooks. I’ve listened to it two or three times before but I really enjoy it so I stick that on. by the time I get to my destination, I’ve changed my mind one of the parts of the book I believe it’s lesson two is to truly learn something. You must teach it lesson one. The five buckets always seems to stand out to me so that had made my decision. I’m gonna talk about the five buckets.
Fast forward to today it’s Tuesday, the 11th of February and after some crafty 10 minutes last night I’ve made five buckets that Sara thinks are more like handbags and I’m ready to give my presentation. So here it goes…
Bucket/handbag 1 – Knowledge.
this can be School, college, uni, courses, classes, podcasts, books, listening to your fellow entrepreneurs for tips and advice
Bucket/handbag 2 – Skills.
Applying the knowledge to refine your skills
Bucket/handbag 3 – Network
Using knowledge and skills to grow your network meeting people and learning more collaborating with people and being inspired an intern inspiring.
Bucket/handbag 5 – Resources.
The resources inevitably come from 1,2 and 3 already being filled to create financial benefits so you can get materials, equipment, tech, anything that might push your business forward.
Bucket/handbag 5 – Reputation.
How people see you, how people perceive you. Making sure you have all of the knowledge, skills, network and resources will lead to your reputation.
For me the most important bucket/handbag of them all is 1 knowledge. I can never know enough, I’m always looking for learning a new technique or new way to look at something. You can never know everything so be open to learning.
If you take one thing from this today, please go and read the book diary of a CEO or do what I do and listen to the audiobook. This is only one teeny tiny part of this amazing book that has given me so many ideas. I’m sure it will do the same for you.