Something Profoundly Sustainable…

Something Profoundly Sustainable…


When I started ‘Something Profound I was using an eco-friendly company for all of my wears, but it was a hobby, with a hope for a business in the future.

Fast forward to June 2024 and I was struggling at my ‘job’ in a beautiful, family-owned hotel, on the coast of Northumberland. Long story short, but the work load was putting stress on my body and it was failing! I knew that it was now or never and time to take a big deep breath and become self-employed!

I recognised that the scope I had with the eco-friendly company wasn’t big enough and I swapped to a worldwide company, with lots more options. Organic cotton, or recycled fabric, were of the most interest to me, though I used cheaper,less environmentally friendly options at first, to get a feel ofwhat I was looking for.

By November 2024, I’d decided that I wanted to be more ‘hands on’ in the creative process - not just with the designs,but with the printing too. One of the 100% organic cotton t-shirts I had printed was by a company called Stanley/Stella and so my search for blank canvases (so to speak) began.

In January 2025, I printed my very first 100% organic cotton tee MYSELF! The quality of the shirts are amazing!Lounging by the pool in Marrakech (family chill holiday very much needed) having already finished the 2 books I’d brought with me, I began scrutinising the label of my ‘SPREAD LOVE NOT SHT’ t-shirt and I was astonished at what I found! Not only are these tops 100% organic cotton, they are vegan friendly and a member of ‘Fair Wear.On their website, I found this quote: ‘pushing for a world where the global garment supply chain is a source of safe, dignified and decently paid employment, and in which human rights are respected.’

I used to wonder if I could really make a difference, as a small fashion brand, but companies like Stanley/Stella are making the impossibility of fair fashion absolutely attainable!

Buildings an eco-friendly fashion business that’s financially as well as ethically sustainable, used to feel like a dream - but I’m on the way to it becoming a reality.

Sam x

Thanks to Sarah Davis- the parenting copy writer 

Wear Fair website

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